assessment and recommendations
energy used
This is our best estimate based on the info you provided and standard METs calculations. With cycling there are many other factors (riding position, wheel type, tire width, drafting, aero components, etc.) that you might want to keep in mind, but this should be a good estimate for the purposes of nutrition planning and assessment.
ride details
For the purposes of calculating the effect of wind on your ride we have assumed that you are on a loop or out and back course and therefore have approximately equal amounts of head and tail winds. If you are in head winds the entire ride your energy requirements will be higher.
For the purposes of calculating the effect of climbing on your ride we have assumed that you are on a loop or out and back course and therefore your net elevation gain is zero (equal amount of climbing and descending). If your ride is strictly a climb with significant net elevation GAIN, then your energy requirements will obviously be higher.
The average grade % shown is just for your climbing and shows what the total average grade would be over the distance of your ride without taking into consideration the descents.
METs = metabolic equivalents. This is a measure of the amount of oxygen required per minute to ride based on speed and body weight.
Using METs and the data you provided, we are able to determine how much energy (calories) you burn during your ride. Click below for more information on METs and how these calculations work.
One MET is the energy you spend sitting at rest — your resting metabolic rate. An activity with a MET value of 4 means you’re exerting four times the energy than you would if you were sitting still.
One MET is approximately 3.5 milliliters of oxygen consumed per kilogram (kg) of body weight per minute.
Since METs is a measure of the amount of oxygen used in ONE MINUTE, you will not see this number increase or decrease solely based on the length or your ride. Instead, it is directly proportional to the amount of work you are doing per minute. So as you ride at a faster pace your METs will increase, and vice versa. That said, typically when you ride a longer distance your pace will slow, thus you will normally see a lower value for METs in your longer rides.
There are well established METs values for various workouts at different intensity levels (running, cycling, etc.). The METs value is then used to calculate the number of calories expended per minute during your ride.
Most people think of calories in terms of food, but it is actually a unit of measure of energy. That’s why the food (calories) you eat are literally the fuel for your body.
our nutrition recommendations for this ride
consume approximately
preferably complex carbs
drink approximately
water optional
This ride is short enough that you will likely use less than 12 oz of fluids so drinking water during the ride should not be necessary. That said, we always recommend properly hydrating before every workout and rehydrating when your ride is complete.
While it’s important to drink enough to remain hydrated during your training and competition, some people take it too far and drink much more than they should. Some people also drink too much in the days leading up to the race, causing them to pee out all of their electrolytes. Significantly over hydrating can lead to a condition called hyponatremia which is serious and sometimes deadly. To learn more about hyponatremia, the risks and signs to look for, read this article
replenish approximately
sodium optional
This ride is short enough that you will likely not require electrolyte replacement during the ride. That said, we recommend that you always replenish your electrolytes as part of your post-ride recovery. Drinking a bottle of e-Fuel is an excellent way to naturally rehydrate and maintain your electrolyte levels.
Electrolyte replacement is a critical component of a successful sports nutrition plan. Electrolytes create ions (electrically charged particles) in your cellular fluids. These ions carry electrical energy that is required for muscle contractions, nerve impulse and many other critical functions. But beyond that, electrolytes also help you to retain the fluids you consume to remain properly hydrated. Just like eating a bag of salty potato chips causes you to retain water, the same things happens when you have electrolytes (sodium) in your sports nutrition plan. Staying hydrated helps to reducing cramping and injuries and will also help you to recover quicker.
To be able to re-analyze your results and get the most out of these tools:
nutrition analysis FAQ
One pound of body fat has approximately 4,080 calories, so even extremely lean people have plenty of fat to keep the body moving if necessary. The problem is that fat is a survival fuel, not a high performance fuel. Your muscles use glycogen (glucose) as their fuel source. If your glycogen stores are tapped out and you don’t take on additional calories, you will be dependent on fat and your performance will suffer, potentially significantly. When relying on fat, it has to go through a slow, inefficient conversion process, thus reducing the available fuel to your muscles. If you’ve ever BONKed (run out of glycogen), you felt horrible, your performance dropped and you may have quit your race – but you still had fat fuel available! The body seems to prefer to operate the way is was designed!
This is a two part answer.
First, everyone has heard of the golden rule – don’t change anything on race/competition day. When possible you want to train the way you are going to compete. You often hear it about your footwear, but it’s even more important for your nutrition. The human body is amazingly adaptive and by taking in calories during your training it will become more efficient at absorbing, transporting and utilizing it to power your muscles. In addition, your stomach and gastrointestinal system have to get used to it. Many products on the market cause GI issues with some athletes for various reasons (artificial sweeteners, slow digesting ingredients, etc.) so you need to figure out which products work best for you, and the time to do that is in your training.
Second, by supplementing your energy during your training you will be able to train harder and longer, and most likely recover quicker as well. This will allow you to become a faster, stronger athlete compared to training with less energy.
Because your body can uptake more energy when you use complex carbs instead of simple sugars. If you’re doing any kind of endurance sport, then the more energy you can get from your nutrition the better you’ll perform. This is due to the fact that complex carbs have a much larger molecular structure than simple sugars which in turn allows the fluids to transport more calories as it is absorbed in your gut. For an in depth explanation, see this article
Short answer:
Fats and proteins have to go through a full digestive process, thus taking oxygen away from your working muscles.
Detailed explanation:
If you remember the Lance Armstrong scandal, it was all about blood doping. By illegally increasing the amount of oxygen in your blood, more oxygen is then provided to the muscles. The more oxygen you have available the better you will perform, period. Likewise, if you reduce the available oxygen to the muscles your performance will suffer.
When your are training or competing, your body is amazingly adaptive and it does everything it can to help you out. One way it does this is by drawing blood form parts of your body that don’t need it at that time so that it can route more blood (and therefor oxygen) out to the working muscles. A large user of blood is your stomach and intestinal tract, and it will draw on this blood supply.
The beauty of liquid calories from carbohydrates (like both our e-Gel and e-Fuel products) is that they are absorbed via osmosis instead of going through a full digestive process. However, when you consume anything with fat and/or protein, these ingredients must be digested. This means that your body has to route blood back to the stomach and intestines for the digestive process, thus taking blood and oxygen away from the working muscles.
If you are trying to set a personal best, run a qualifying time, etc., consuming something that takes away from your performance, even a little bit, should be avoid if possible.
It’s really up to you, just be sure to study the labels of your favorite products and get to know the ingredients. We strongly recommend using complex carbs instead of sugars (for the reasons explained above), avoid fat and protein during your event and make sure you are getting enough fluids and electrolytes.
Lots of products can potentially work for you, and some people like to experiment with making their own. There are no set rules. We would obviously love for you to use our products, but what’s most important is that you find the combination of products that works best for you!
If you enter the same distance workout but do it slower, the analysis may recommend more calories even though you may also be burning fewer. This is because the amount of calories you can uptake is limited by your fluid consumption. Water is the transport vehicle that carries the carbohydrate calories into your cellular system via osmosis. You can only transport a limited number of calories per ounce of water. The amount you can transport is higher for complex carbs and lower for sugars (one of the reasons we recommend complex carbs). The more energy you can provide to your working muscles the better off you’ll be, particularly in longer events.
The amount of water you can absorb is also limited, but the longer your workout the more water you can absorb, and therefor you can take in more calories. If you try to just drink more water/fluids than recommended thinking you can therefor take in more calories, that unfortunately probably won’t work. Drinking more than you can absorb just ends up sending excess fluids to your bladder, and then you’ll be visiting the port potty!
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